安来科学仪器(宁波)有限公司专业研发动物行为学科研仪器设备,目前公司拥有完全自主知识产权的实验动物行为分析软件:LabState 行为软件套装(LabState Suite for Windows)。LabState主要用于实验动物操作条件反射行为、条件性恐惧记忆、穿梭箱、声惊吓发射、图像轨迹分析(如自发活动、条件性位置偏爱、强迫游泳、甩尾实验)等实验系统实时控制和分析。我们以高性价比的价格给客户提供尽可能完善的行为学研究仪器设备以及技术支持,服务于国内生命科学研究。
AniLab Scientific Instruments Co., Ltd. is a specialty company that researches, develops, manufactures, and supplies software and instruments for behavioral psychology, pharmacology, neuroscience, and related fields of researches. Its former company - AniLab Software& Instruments Co., Ltd. was founded in China in 2006 as a research & development company, starting with operant chambers of intravenous drug self-administration for rats, AniLab have been continuously pursuing new product development and enhancements. Over the ensuing years, we improved and designed new products for researches under their specific requirements by collaborating between researchers and the product development team in the field. We provided researchers with affordable, and adaptable research tools with high customization capabilities that meet their research needs now and into the future. We endeavor to provide solutions to meet the most demanding needs of our customers, in the form of instrumentation and software that is reasonably priced.
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